101 as ruinas

Room 101 - The beginnings

Sintra is the result of the occupation by several peoples since Pre-Historic times. Note mentioning the Archaeological Museum of S. Miguel de Odrinhas, for a journey that takes you back to the roots of Sintra.


102 maças 540x400

Room 102 - Apples/Apples River

Considered as the fruit of sin, the Apples from Colares used to fell into the river, nearly covering its entire surface, becoming known as the Apples river, and so did the beach where it used to flow.


103 Casino de Sintra

Room 103 - Sintra’s Casino

The Casino of Sintra was inaugurated in the 1920’s, as a leisure and cultural center. Despite it has shut the doors for gambling, the building remained with its original aptitude. Currently, it houses the Cultural Center Olga Cadaval and temporary exhibitions.


104 S Mamede de Janas

Room 104 - St. Mamede of Janas

Sintra is a land of cults and rites. In Janas, the pagan devotion to Diana - goddess of Hunt - and the christian devotion to St. Mamede, join in a circular chapel. According to legend, it was built with a rectangular plan, but 3 times appeared destroyed.


105 Foral de Sintra

Room 105 - Sintra’s Charter

The first King of Portugal gave the municipality of Sintra a Charter in 1154, when the town counted only with 30 people.


106 Convento dos Capuchos

Room 106 - Capuchos Convent

Also known as the Cork Convent, Capuchos was founded in 1560 and was inhabited by Franciscan monks. One of the characteristics that stands out is its impressive divestment, according the poverty vows of the Order.


107 Eden Jardim do Paraíso

Room 107 - Garden of Eden

Sintra is a land of opulent orchards and fertile soils, praised by the Muslim geographer Al Bakri (in the 11th century). The garden of Monserrate is a beautiful example of this richness with over 3000 exotic species.


108 Lenda de Colares

Room 108 - Colares Legend

According to the legend, the Countess of Compa escaped with her three children from Denmark after the King had killed her husband. When she arrived in Sintra, her 3 sons fell in love with the Moor Zeilão’s three nieces, and offered as dowry three gold necklaces. Thus, the town is known as Colares (= necklaces).


109 Lusiadas

Room 109 - Lusíadas

Luís de Camões (~1524-1580) epic poet from the 1500’s, displayed and red "The Lusíadas" to King Sebastian I of Portugal in 1578 at the National Palace (in front of your bedroom window).